23 Jul 5 Ways to Prepare Your Website for Quiet Periods
5 Ways businesses need to prepare and adapt their e-Commerce and SEO strategy to succeed post-COVID-19. Read our marketing tips to improve your website....
5 Ways businesses need to prepare and adapt their e-Commerce and SEO strategy to succeed post-COVID-19. Read our marketing tips to improve your website....
When developing the foundations for your brand, we often place the visual elements above the rest. The logo design, fonts and colours are usually the first to get done, with brand voice and tone falling through the cracks. However, your brand’s voice and tone are...
We’ve all heard the saying: “Never judge a book by its cover,” but when it comes to your business, expect everyone to whip out their metaphorical microscopes. Your company’s logo, distinct visual design, mission and representation on social media and beyond are all aspects that...
Social media marketing and content marketing get all the glory when creating a successful digital marketing strategy. But while these are excellent marketing channels to help you reach customers, there’s one avenue less travelled that should get just as much attention - email marketing.Unfortunately, as...
The internet is a great place to gather information fast. While many of us spend countless hours scrolling Google, not everyone enjoys spending these hours trying to navigate a website or blog for relevant info. Therefore, anchor links can be a great way for users...
TikTok is one of the world’s most popular social media apps right now, with upwards of one billion active users using the video-sharing platform. It’s all anyone can talk about these days, and it’s not difficult to understand why.TikTok’s ascension to social media app royalty...
2022 Was a big year for businesses looking to take advantage of Black Friday. FNB reported that customers spent an incredible R3 billion last year on Black Friday alone, seeing an impressive growth rate of 18% from the previous year. The increase has managed to...
You’ve probably heard the phrase “Content is King,” but is this still the case in 2024? While the content marketing landscape is changing thanks to generative AI, nearly 73% of B2B marketers and 70% of B2C marketers still integrate this form of marketing into their...
In today's fast-paced and interconnected digital landscape, building a robust online presence has become more essential than ever before. As we enter 2024, the online world continues to evolve, offering opportunities for businesses, professionals, and content creators. However, maintaining your online presence is never easy.To...
When you’re just starting, learning about SEO can feel like you’re standing at the bottom of Mount Everest. It’s a lot! The digital landscape is constantly evolving, so there’s always something to learn - even for experienced marketers. To help you start the climb, here...