why an seo strategy is important for your new website

Why Your Newly Launched Website Needs An Active SEO Strategy

The excitement is building, and you have all the strategies in place, including your brand and advertising strategy. However, there’s an important strategy that should never fall through the cracks when launching a new website – your SEO strategy.

Did you know that internet users spend 415 minutes online every day? This statistic alone should highlight the importance of having a digital marketing strategy. While creating an effective SEO strategy may be on your to-do list, you may think that this is something you’ll only have to worry about once you’ve launched your website.

This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Here’s why your new website should have an active SEO strategy before and after its launch:

Reason #1: Get a Lay of The Land

Before launching your website and creating an SEO strategy that works for your business, make sure you scope out the competition. Research the competition and analyse their unique selling points. Think about how they differ from yours and what makes their company similar. Add a bit of SEO magic into the mix by researching which keywords your competitors are ranking for. This will allow you to figure out how to fill the gap.

Reason #2: Fill The Gap

Speaking of filling the gap… an important aspect of any SEO strategy is keyword research. This provides valuable insight and allows you to determine which keywords to target. When combining this with your competitor research, you can identify which keywords your competitors are not targeting. Doing this research makes it easier for you to create a strategy that allows you to fill the gap, eventually creating an opportunity that will enable you to outrank them.

Reason #3: Figuring Out the User Journey

Every business should know who its customer is as this allows them to understand a customer’s search intent. When you consider the buyer’s journey, you can craft content and utilise keywords that appeal to your desired customer. It’s vital to consider each decision-making stage to create an effective SEO plan.

Reason #4: Think of Your Website as Newborn Baby

Your business may have been around for three decades, but if you’re just launching your website, you’ll have to start from the ground up. In every search engine’s eyes, you’re website is a newborn baby that needs to be nurtured for it to grow and compete with the other kiddies on the playground. What does this mean? Well, it takes a while for Google to index and crawl your website, so don’t expect to get organic traffic from the get-go. However, if you have a well-thought-out SEO plan, you may be able to cut down on the waiting time, which will allow you to start generating organic traffic from the start.

Every website needs an SEO strategy, not just a newly launched website. If you’re curious about how an effective SEO strategy can help your business grow, explore our SEO Services for more information.

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